
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happiness, Health, and Fitness

So I'm pretty sure I have decided on retail management as my new major! :) My good friend Becky raised my confidence in it! She is currently working for the government this summer on an internship. She, like me, is interested in helping others and living that sort of lifestyle. I was talking to her about all my dreams in life. My first dream has always been working in the fashion industry, or opening up a store being able to design custom clothing for people. Since college, I have gained an increasing interest in the health care industry, and especially in helping others. In high school, I didn't live a healthy lifestyle; as I matured and became a college student, I realized the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and how it can truly affect one's health (obviously), and happiness in a positive manner.

I have always known I've wanted to open up a business of some sort, or maybe even several within my lifetime. But I would love to incorporate being able to help people live a healthy lifestyle, whether it be eating a healthy diet, exercising, and even community service. Hopefully someday I will be able to incorporate fashion into this idea as well. Wouldn't it be amazing if I could mix everything that I love into one organization?? Maybe even a non-profit organization to raise funds for children or third-world countries?? Who knows what it may be, but this is why I'm hoping retail management will be useful in gaining experience in several different fields; not only fashion.

Wouldn't that be great, huh?? A company that promotes all that I love and makes me happy... It would be Complete. Absolute. Harmony.

Gosh, I love that phrase! Although, now that I think about it, I do love the phrase: Seek Complete. Absolute. Harmony. I think Ernesto helped come up with that idea. But now that I think about, it totally works out not only in the store name/company sense, but in relating to my friend Carolyn.

Love you guys!!

Marina Del Monte

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